Support Groups… we all need different things!

Tonight, my husband and I attended the monthly support group that we have at a local bar. We have been going for a while now and it is nice to know that it is a safe group to talk about our diagnosis and other things in our lives. Many of the group are still working,Continue reading “Support Groups… we all need different things!”

If you care, will you go into care?

I was reading a post by someone on a Facebook Page for people with Parkinson’s and their carers tonight. It was posted by the daughter of someone who has Parkinson’s and whose husband has become her carer. Both parents are in their 80’s. Doctors have recommended that the Mother with Parkinson’s needs to go intoContinue reading “If you care, will you go into care?”

I’ve borrowed an idea…

I was reading another person’s Blog the other day and I liked what I read and thought I might borrow the idea she talked about. Check it out yourself on Parkinsonscare at She talked about having a word for the year and her word was ‘adventure’. Finding ways to put some adventure into herContinue reading “I’ve borrowed an idea…”

Painting and planting project…

This has been my project over the weekend. With my trusty spray gun, I have finally finished painting my fence. At times the paint would run and at times for some reason the paint came out faster than it should. I had to try to cover up some of the runs in the paint. So,Continue reading “Painting and planting project…”

My shiny red E-bike

When Parkies entered in my life and knocked upon my door I thought I’d have to stop and that I’d bike no more For I was finding getting home, could sometimes be too tiring Something Parkies did to me by messing up my wiring! So, I bought an e-bike shiny red to take out onContinue reading “My shiny red E-bike”

My Story… Our Story

Today, I was telling someone about my story. My journey with Parkinson’s. It is something of a challenge to talk about some of the early days with this condition and how I felt back then. At times the emotion of it all crept into my voice, but that is the reality of this condition. ItContinue reading “My Story… Our Story”