A dress rehearsal for Parkies?

I commented to my husband this morning that I feel like my body is attacking me. Not only am I recovering from pretty major knee surgery, but I have another issue plaguing me. I find that if I sit and rest for a bit after walking around, that as soon as I stand up I get electricContinue reading “A dress rehearsal for Parkies?”

What age is elderly?

I remember through the years hearing people in their 60’s, 70’s and even 80’s saying that they don’t feel as old as they are. That in their hearts they still feel the same as when they were younger. As a younger person that seemed hard to understand when standing – or sitting – in frontContinue reading “What age is elderly?”

Taking control…

I have had a couple of weeks of difficult challenges in my life, relating not only to my health, but also to my work environment. Working in a challenging and stressful role can sometimes become overwhelming. So too, with my health. There are many things that I cannot control about my health. Much as IContinue reading “Taking control…”

I’m struggling… so today I asked for help!

As each day goes by it seems that the pain in my life gets worse. The main culprit is my knee. I have written about this before on many occasions and it does occupy far too much of my consciousness for my liking. The ironic thing is that my main ‘condition’ – Parkinson’s – isContinue reading “I’m struggling… so today I asked for help!”

It’s OK to have a ‘Pity Party’ every now and then!

I was just reading an entry in the Blog of ‘Twitchy Woman’ who I follow. Love the name by the way! She is right on the money as far as I am concerned. When she talks about having a ‘Pity Party’ now and then, I think we are pretty much entitled to it! Check outContinue reading “It’s OK to have a ‘Pity Party’ every now and then!”

Exercise is Medicine… but I can’t take any…

We are just over a week back from our wonderful UK holiday. I have been buoyed up by all our adventures, but now it is back to the reality of life. Not that this is a bad thing necessarily! One thing that is becoming increasingly difficult for me to manage is the significant pain inContinue reading “Exercise is Medicine… but I can’t take any…”

Is it OK to be a bit selfish sometimes??

This journey I am on with Parkinson’s has many twists and turns and challenges. It has made me appreciate life more in many ways. As I have said in other posts previously, my family has become more important to me and spending time with them is high on my list of priorities. However, there areContinue reading “Is it OK to be a bit selfish sometimes??”

A pain in the arse…

Parkies is a pain in the arse… quite literally, or maybe not? Now that doesn’t really make sense perhaps, but here’s the deal. For some time now I have had a pain basically in my left buttock that then sends excruciating pain down my left leg. The pain’s favourite time to do this is aroundContinue reading “A pain in the arse…”