Youth vs Age and wisdom?

I was fortunate to have my three grand daughters to stay the night this weekend. Two of them are teenagers and still finding their identities and yet – it seems – feel ready to make decisions about their future lives. One of them reminds me so much of her Mum at the same age andContinue reading “Youth vs Age and wisdom?”

Balance, it’s all about balance…

Sometimes it is difficult to know how much, or indeed how little, you should do in the way of exercise. I am a firm believer in the fact that often we need to work past the pain to make the gains. No pain, no gain, right! That is all well and good, but how doContinue reading “Balance, it’s all about balance…”

‘You’re looking grumpy!’

I read with interest a post on the Facebook page that I follow for those affected by PD and those that support them. In the post the person was talking about their behaviours and how they may not always be fully aware of them. At times they say that their children had thought they were angryContinue reading “‘You’re looking grumpy!’”