When the passion is gone…

I was watching a programme today that was set in a hospital. The character at the centre of the episode was very overworked and burnt out. They talked about losing their passion for their role, which they had previously called their ‘calling’. This brought me to a realisation that I had not thought of priorContinue reading “When the passion is gone…”

“What’s yours is mine, what’s mine’s me own!”

This little phrase has been trotted out over the years in our family. We always had a bit of a laugh because it was tongue in cheek and a bit cheeky. However, I’ve just been sitting here at the end of the second week of retirement and it just popped into my head. Prior toContinue reading ““What’s yours is mine, what’s mine’s me own!””

Does Parkies accentuate existing anxieties?

As any of you who follow this Blog will know, I have stated that I have always been a ‘words person’ rather than a ‘numbers person’. I often say that there is a good reason I am a Social Worker and not an Accountant and that is because I have never got on with numbers.Continue reading “Does Parkies accentuate existing anxieties?”