Our self-image vs ‘the rest’

I have been spending a lot more time with some of the elders in our little clan in recent times. This couple have been together for most of their lives and one of the few couples I know who aren’t on the second, or – as is my case – third time round in marriage.Continue reading “Our self-image vs ‘the rest’”

Looking for silver linings

I was visited today by a friend of mine, whom I have known for several years. We started talking about some of our previous relationships and how some of the negative aspects of those relationships still impact us today. Both of us have previously been in an abusive relationship and been on government assistance to helpContinue reading “Looking for silver linings”

What is intimacy?

This can be a bit of a contentious and personal question. I think if you ask that question at different ages and stages you will get quite a different answer. It also depends on the relationships you have with the important people in your life that you love and trust. Twenty year old me would certainly haveContinue reading “What is intimacy?”