If only life was like a game of bowls!

I have just had a lovely afternoon down at one of the local bowling clubs. It is not the club that I am joining, but is in our area. They hold open ‘roll-ups’ every Tuesday and every second Saturday. This is the second time I have gone to this other club and I must say that it was much more enjoyable than the last time I was there.

As I had previously been overwhelmed by too much advice and instruction, I decided that I would just bowl my own game and see how I went. I have spent some time watching bowling videos on Youtube and I have found that it was very helpful. It has enabled me to understand a better way to bowl and getting much better results.

While playing at the club today I noticed a few things worth commenting on. When I arrived there were a couple of ladies taking green fees and helping to get things set up. They were very welcoming and it really helped me to feel less anxious about being there. Although I would basically say I am more of an extrovert than and introvert, I still get nervous when meeting a larger group of people.

Once teams were drawn, we began our game. The first thing that happens is to shake hands with the other players on both sides and saying ‘good bowling’. It sets the tone for the afternoon. Afterwards you again shake hands and say ‘good game’. The thing that struck me when we were playing was that all participants applauded and acknowledged when a good bowl was played, whether on their team or the opposition. Hints on technique were given across teams, not just to the team you were allocated to. I would say that playing bowls I am finding that the spirit of sportsmanship is very much present in those playing.

There is always banter and laughter on the green. However, the thing that struck me the most is how everyone is supported whether from within the team they have been allocated or from the opposition. If anyone has a difficulty bending or kicking the bowls back or any aspect there is always someone to help and give pointers. Participants may have disabilities or different abilities that need support and there is never any problem with getting the support that they need.

If you play a bowl and you are not happy with it – as I did more than a couple of times – there are always people on both teams that will seek out and feed back to you some positives, even if you can’t see them yourself. If a bowl was wide, some might say ‘but it had a good weight’ or if it had the right green but driven too hard a comment would be made about the line being good. There always seemed to be someone commenting in a positive and supportive way.

If only life was as supportive as a game of bowls. If society were more ‘sportsmanlike’ and more recognition was given to the effort put in and connecting with others than winning it would be a happier place. If only being a member of a community meant that you received praise and acknowledgement and positivity like you do on the green. If only separate factions and sections of society built each other up, rather than bringing people down and no longer focussed on winning but focussed on supporting.

In a game of bowls I have found that whether you are a very new beginner or an experienced player, you are treated with respect and on the same level. There was constant encouragement for each of us and it made for a more relaxing afternoon than if there were fierce competition focussed on winning.

If life were like a game of bowls, where individual efforts were celebrated and encouraged, if you were welcomed to another group of people as if you belonged and were supported regardless of creed or circumstance, the world would be a much happier place.

Published by kiwipommysue

I work in health and have been with the same supportive team for over 7 years. They are all aware of my diagnosis and this helps tremendously especially while I get used to the idea of my diagnosis. My parents both had Parkinsons, so I guess my odds were higher than most.

2 thoughts on “If only life was like a game of bowls!

  1. So pleased you had a nice day.What a great post this is. Totally agree with you.HugsSent from my Galaxy


    1. Thank you. I am finding playing bowls a really positive experience all round. It also gives me social contact as well as exercise. I tell you what though, I am absolutely shattered!


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