What age is elderly?

I remember through the years hearing people in their 60’s, 70’s and even 80’s saying that they don’t feel as old as they are. That in their hearts they still feel the same as when they were younger. As a younger person that seemed hard to understand when standing – or sitting – in front of you is a grey haired person with maybe a walking stick or other aid.

Now I get it! Within myself I sometimes find it hard to believe I am 62 years old. I don’t really feel that different, apart from the obvious age related things like arthritis getting worse. I have often said too that one of the things that I dislike is when you are with a doctor who says things like, ‘… well at your age…’ and then goes on to tell you that various bits and pieces of your body don’t work so well due to your advanced years!

I just Googled ‘What age is elderly?’ and it came back with anyone over the age of 65 years was considered elderly. Perhaps when I was younger I might have agreed, but now with a husband who turns 65 next year, once past his birthday in May I shall be married to ‘an elderly gentleman’. Crikey! I’m three years behind him, so am not far from reaching elderly status myself!

I have an Aunt and Uncle who are in their mid 80’s. They would be in the age bracket that I would consider elderly. However, I don’t think I’m brave enough to attach that label to them in front of them. In fact, I think I would be loathe to use that term to anyone whether 65 or 85! There is nothing quite like someone – usually significantly younger – calling you elderly to make you feel so!

While my hearing and vision are still pretty good, I don’t feel too old. Once I have my knee replacement and am able to walk once more without discomfort, then perhaps I will feel younger and hopefully it will put a spring in my step once again.

Whether you have Arthritis or Parkinson’s age is just a number giving our chronological age. We can still be young at heart and do things that maximise our health by exercising and eating well. As exercise is proven to be one of the most beneficial things for Parkinson’s mobility especially, I hope that once I have had my knee operation I will notice a marked increase in my mobility.

Once I can get back on my e-bike and enjoy the freedom of cycling on the local cycle lanes I am sure I will feel more like myself. I admit that I have been feeling all my 62 years with my mobility and pains issues of late. In fact, I have probably felt years older than my current age. Pain and lack of mobility can do that to you!

So, in two days time I have my knee operation. By the time I return to work, I am determined to throw off my walking aids and stride into work with a new lease of life. Refreshed and functioning as a youthful (?) 62 year old should.

By the time, I am officially ‘elderly’ at 65, hopefully I will not feel old enough to earn the label!

Published by kiwipommysue

I work in health and have been with the same supportive team for over 7 years. They are all aware of my diagnosis and this helps tremendously especially while I get used to the idea of my diagnosis. My parents both had Parkinsons, so I guess my odds were higher than most.

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