Lost for words…

My words are important to me. I have always had a love of words. Of poetry. Of poets and for me I have also always loved William Shakespeare. I like many types of poetry, especially those that tell a story like Pam Ayres’ work. My particular favourite – which I always wanted to read to my children and grandchildren – is anything by Dr Suess.

I was talking to a colleague and reading her some of my sillier poems at work today and she asked me a question. She asked me if I wished I had more time to write. That when I am writing clinical notes, did I wish I was writing something else like this Blog or my poetry. My response was that I do write more poetry than I have in years and I am often inspired to put things down either in this Blog or in the form of a poem. Sometimes, when the mood takes me I will put a random poem into my Blog just to share something that isn’t all about Parkies.

It got me thinking tonight about how important words are to me. I often say I am not a numbers person – I could never have been an accountant – but I have always been good with words. In thinking about their importance I also thought that of all the things that are likely to be lost sometime in the dim dark future, loss of my words and my ability to adequately express myself will probably be one of the biggest losses for me.

We all have different ways of expressing ourselves and using words, whether spoken or written. One of my brothers – the eldest – is amazing at telling jokes. I have tried retelling some of his jokes and I definitely don’t have the talent to tell a joke well. He on the other hand, does not write poetry or a Blog – to my knowledge – so we have different ways of using words that is unique.

I like a line from a Meghan Trainor song ‘Everybody’s born to be different. It’s the one thing that makes us the same’

I like that thought because we are all individuals with our own skills and talents. Dig deep enough and I’m sure we will all find something, some talent or skill perhaps that we didn’t know we had.

I hope that I have many years of being able to express myself in poetry or this Blog. As they say, ‘Use it or lose it!’ so I shall keep on writing and sharing my thoughts, feelings and observations of this life with Parkinson’s.

My fervent hope is that I am never completely ‘Lost for words’!

Published by kiwipommysue

I work in health and have been with the same supportive team for over 7 years. They are all aware of my diagnosis and this helps tremendously especially while I get used to the idea of my diagnosis. My parents both had Parkinsons, so I guess my odds were higher than most.

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