Love and loss

Love is a beautiful, wonderful thing. But often with love there is ultimately loss. Whether it is a pet, a sibling, another family member, or a good friend. If you take the risk of loving someone you ultimately have to face the fact that you may lose them.

We are all facing the loss of someone dear to us soon and I think as much as I have thought that I made peace with that, today it suddenly hit me that soon they will not be here. I have written them a couple of poems as a way to get my feelings out and to try to express how much I care for them. The poem started to form itself – as they often do – when something triggered it and I needed to put in down in writing. I am crying now as I write this, just as I cried while I was writing the poem.

She has had several visitors and talking to her daughter I made a comment, that it is nice that she knows she is loved in these final days. Then I had to write something to get my feelings out and to tell her that she is loved. The poem is called “Know that you are loved”

I’m not sure that I should share it here, but just wanted to put a post up about how I am feeling, as my life – as is anyone’s – is not just about Parkinson’s, there are other people that I care about going through their own stuff.

My wish for all of you is that you too, know that you are loved.

Published by kiwipommysue

I work in health and have been with the same supportive team for over 7 years. They are all aware of my diagnosis and this helps tremendously especially while I get used to the idea of my diagnosis. My parents both had Parkinsons, so I guess my odds were higher than most.

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